ARKit 4 support

I’ve checked the roadmap for ARKit 4 support to allow development using the Depth API for LiDaR at which was posted in July 2020 but there haven’t been any updates since.

What is the current target for support for this feature please or are there any custom engine versions that have the integration please?


+1! Unity has supported this since July last year, would be great to get LiDAR based occlusion in Unreal.

Sadly this may not be coming any time soon… Epic and Apple have not been on the best of terms lately…

Yeh good shout - it’s always a shame when these guys have a bit of barney. It’ll be nice to see everyone playing together again soon (and Apple to stop enforcing hobbled 3rd party APIs and old-school application pricing)

according to release notes it should be working in UE 4.27, but I can not seem to make it happen. (testing on an iPad Pro 2020, with lidar).

Hi folks,

finally it is working on UE5.1.1. with Monterey (as remote build server).