Ark: Survival Evolved: Low fps becaue of UE4 or due to no optimizations?

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Go show 'em you can do better :wink:

, Didn’t they say that Ark was made in months though? (I seem to remember 6 months or something? I could be completely wrong).
That’s really pretty quick, I do remember the developer mentioning that everyone there has quite a bit of experience but going from zero to where they are in that time frame is fast.

Kia ora

I have to say I find some of the comments aimed at people who for what ever reason us free software quite insulting
and offensive. People have to start some where and if you (those who made the comments, if the Cap fix wear it) think
it great to spend thousands of dollars to get commercial software just to dip your toes in and see if it’s warm enough to swim
and have that sort of disposable cash to throw round, IMHO your on the wrong planet. using these and other tools that are free
is just common sense, 30 days is not a lot of time for most to get to know enough about a package to warrant spend a few grand
buying it.

Sorry I must have been wrong thinking this forum was about UE 4 not about laying judgement on folk. I 66 and trying my hand at this
having spent year (from Morrowind) modding and loving it. Elder Scroll modders do amount to something BTW google Falskaar done
bye a 19 year old, probley use free software, is now working in the industry go see what Druid Game works is up too all modders of
Elder Scrolls at some point and now have their own company. I didn’t have computers back in the darkage’s of my schooling so it is a
new found passion, I’m trying and was having fun till I got judged for not wasting my pension on software.

May I suggest you stop judging folk you don’t know and think about what and how you say things in an international forum,
“Opps I sorry” for me doesn’t cut it. if you didn’t mean it DONT say it.

/end rant

The performance is pretty bad, but they will surely improve it -> I heard that they still use 4.5.1 - With 4.7 or 4.8 it will surely run better.
But the game itself is (just bought it)! -> crafting, fighting, building,…the voice chat is in a very good quality. :smiley:

I suspect it’s a “debug info” shipping build - I’ve done that myself before because many users want access to the console (in my case, particularly VR users, since messing with VR settings is pretty common).

The game built in debug mode, it ships with the pdbs … There is not a single custom c++ class in the game, it’s all made with blueprints, also assets are not packed/cooked together. The game even shipped with the ShooterGame.uproject and project content folder.

ARK was made with no C++? Only Blueprints? If so, I am rather inspired to continue working on my open-world game :slight_smile:

Ark is using 4.5.1. The version of the engine before any open world optimizations. This is the main reason for the lag, If they update the engine and put in the open world optimizations that were included in the updates i can guarantee you it would run much better.

Wow, hopefully they will update soon!

They must be amateurs then and money grabbers, good for them.

I believe its more the developers fault. They just straight out took the ShooterGame template, purchased a few assets and got a few made for them. Not saying they haven’t put in a lof of work, but looking through the project files it just looks like every other slapped together early access money grab,

Its far from a “slapped together early access money grab” - people who say this would change their mind quickly when you realize how much work it is to make a game like ARK

What is wrong with using a template? I think they are called template for a reason. And renaming some files and config entries does not make a good game.
I admit I am not a big fan of the whole Early Access system but this one actually does not look like a quick money grab.

I am no C++ expert but isn’t there some overhead associated with a debug build. So maybe they could get some more fps by building in shipping mode? On the other hand, if the bottleneck actually are the draw calls there is probably not much to gain there.

Right. Once you’re ready for the truth listen to this:

Doesn’t the stuff Burnz found kind of contradict what the guy says in that video though?
Mind you I don’t know if he’s talking about something else when he says “native code”.
Either way, what Burnz found doesn’t make them look very professional.

Edit: I also watched the Q&A now and it seems like they know what they are doing.
So I’d say more power to them, even if they made some mistakes along the way.

What Burnz is saying is not true. At least part about blueprints, maybe everything else too(I don’t have this game)
Anyway, it is an Early access release and debug build allows to get more data from players than shipping one.
Check out game streams, press reviews or steam rating and reviews - it’s pretty solid Early access release and I doubt that it’s rational to ignore official channels and base opinion about developers on a false comment.

Yeah you are right. I’ll take a look at the game myself later. That’s probably the best way to see how professional the game devs are. :slight_smile:

That’s why I posted a link to the stream. Burnz pretty much stated the exact opposite of the truth. The only ounce of truth was the ShooterGame name, if you keep listening to the stream they will explain that too. It’s just a very minor error that they didn’t rename it and even though they did start with ShooterGame it was maybe 5 days into coding when nothing of it was left.

These guys are mostly industry veterans using a heavily customized UE4 with their own GI solution. So what Burnz claimed is just absurd and since he decided to dedicate his first post to spouting such nonsense it would seem to me he is on some kind of agenda. I welcome him trying to put out a game in 6 months that is even 10% of Ark.

TBH, they should’ve just started with a blank project, it seems a bit silly not to.

Regarding the talk of multithreading earlier in the thread–'s some insight from Dan Weiss over at Hi-Rez : https://twitter/NebRanger/status/612237819269001216

HR largely used UE3 for their games, but this should apply anyway, as they do have quite a bit of experience with online games in general.

E: Linked directly to my initial Twitter post instead of an image.