ARK Dev Kit Update Notes! (Current: 222.6)

itemlist? do you mean masterlist? that one is just for spawning the stuff in but for making it stackable you can make aditional engrams

The problem is when users want to have the item added to their inventory with cheat giveitemnum. The other problem is that when there is a game update without a devkit update at the same level. You also cannot use cheat giveitemnum for the new items because the master list does not have them in the PrimalGameData of your mod. So modders end up dealing with ******** and moaning by users about not being able to cheat the items in. So the idea to avoid this with ‘AdditionalItemList’ the same as AdditionalStructuresToPlace does. Then the master item list would need to be ignored from the PrimalGameData(whateveryourmodis) file from the mod and the one used is the master item list from PrimalGameData of the latest patch.

I do a verify every couple of hours because of potential saving over the original files, Epic approve the update, please!

I’m eagerly waiting for the v.207 update. Can’t wait to give my lovely Pachys a little boost :smiley:

This is a great suggestion! WTB

My server was able to cheat a new saddle in and the dev kit is not updated yet. I could be mistaken but an admin on my server just cheated the new pachy saddle. I’m running a TC with a modded PrimalGameData_BP. BUT I did update my primaldata to work with the new way thy suggested so future content is available

@Complex: You sure he didn’t use the console command to directly give the Pachy saddle? Like this “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponGun.PrimalItem_WeaponGun” 1 0 false"

I’m thinking he did on second thought. My apologies!

So, I know this has been said many times before, but the constant game of catch-up between the game and the devkit is really annoying for mod makers and users alike. Any information if this trend is going to be fixed later on, as updates become less frequent?

Yeah this bothers me too. I’m not really that impatient, but getting a major game update and not knowing when the Devkit updates is quite troublesome.

It is available! I go to 4 dl ark of the launcher

Where, link please?

It is definitely not available yet. Please be patient, and it will become available.

As for “new” items not working if your devkit is behind, this is simply not true. As long as you set your mod up correctly, those new items will be available to you. In my mod, new dinos spawn before the update is given, and new items can be spawned using the “giveitem” or “giveitemnum” commands. You just have to make sure that everything is set up correctly and that it is setup to work with future updates.

Sorry if I am just blind but could we get a link to how to setup a mod to work with future updates? I’m new and just starting to realize the pain of having to wait for the ADK and mods not being made by you updated/or abandoned.

There are a few things that you need to make sure to do, to keep your mod compatible.

Using the PrimalGameData_BP from “PrimalEarth\CoreBlueprints” to make a child for your mod is probably one of the most important. Making sure that you do not add anything to the master item list, or the engram array is also very important. They have created the “additional” arrays so that you can maintain compatibility with future versions.

Those are just some of the more important steps. Using childs appropriately, making you mod “stackable”, and things like that are also very important. Please use this forum as a learning tool. There are posts on many different subjects where people have discovered and written down how to make a proper mod.

any idea when breeding is on the agenda?

So speaking about a TC and future updates - please shed some light on me
My PrimalGameData_BP is child of BASE_PrimalGameData_BP

If i add new engrams via the “additional engram blueprint classes”, they wont show up as soon as i add any other stackable mod that uses that array too (works on singleplayer)

If i add new engrams to “engram blueprint classes” it blocks new content but works with other mods

Also, even though new saddles would show up in the engram list, they wont in the smithy

So I guess no weekend release after all?

sigh Kinda disappointed as I would have had so much free time to do some nice stuff with the new content.

It’s getting along … I wait for my mod files … there’s no way to find the source of the other?

giveitemnum does not work for any items that are from a mod unless you add them to the master items list. I make a copy of the PrimalGameData_BP from "PrimalEarth\CoreBlueprints as you point out as well as put them in additional engrams and if they are structures I add them to the additional structures to build. If you look at the file in the Devkit, you will notice that the patch 208 items are not in there. If anyone adds their mod item or structure in the Master items list, you cannot add the items from the latest patch with giveitemnum. What I mention is there is no additional item array that would enable giveitemnum for items added with a mod. new mod items cannot be cheated in with giveitemnum because they don’t have an item number. The only items that are numbered are the ones in the master item list. As you mentioned, we should not put them in the master item list and therefore they have no item number. To be quite honest, allot of the tutorials are outdated and spread across hundreds of posts, taking hours and hours to find what you are looking for. The only way I have been able to keep my mods working with the latest patches was to remove them from the master items list.(A step that was actually something we were told to do in the mod tutorial I might add.)