So far this article looks to be very close to what I want, but it doesn’t cover uploading to the marketplace, so I’m not sure if this is the same format that the Market[place will want to see. Tutorial
Are there any other tutorials I’ve missed? I’ve been searching youtube videos on this for 3 days now. II really need an “Idiot’s Guide” since I’m new to UE, but experienced with 3D software/texturing and shading.
Nope, that didn’t help unfortunately. I’m getting an error message when I try to migrate the asset from UE to my newly create ConttentPack folder. I have documented it in a post here: Error when Migrating assets
So to clarify of the folder structure requirement, what must be submitted into must be an Unreal Engine Project. Unless you are submitting a plugin, your project must contain the following, and as a whole your project should preferably be in a zipped folder:
Please note, the UE Marketplace does not accept feature or content packs, only projects and plugins in the required structure as outlined in the link I sent above.