I want to create myself a sci-fi map design level , are there any tools on the marketplace which could help me achieve this instead of using the geometry blocks, or any type of software which would help in level design? thank you very much for your time.
I’ll expand on my answer from this question:
The HammUEr plugin lets you import levels you designed with Hammer into UE4. Its developer is extremely responsive, it works well for the simple things I do, and I hear from people who are using it for much more elaborate level designs that it is very good for more complex things as well. If you’re interested in a set of materials and modular meshes that help you to quickly build a prototype of your level in the UE4 editor the SuperGrid Starter Pack is really good. There is also the Ultimate Greyboxing Kit which has pretty good ratings, but I don’t own it and so can’t really comment on it.
Also ProBuilder has a beta version for Unreal Engine, but I don’t know how well this works. And, of course, Epic’s new in-engine geometry editor is upcoming, but that will probably take some time before it lands.
There are obviously also a large number of modular sci-fi meshes on the marketplace. I’ll just mention a few that I personally find particularly nice, although that is of course not representative: Jonathan Frederick’s assets are all excellent, and the SciFi Props Pack contains so many good assets that it’s practically a steal.
Thank you so much for your answer, I really appreciate it! If I use pro builder for commercial use are there any licences which I have to follow, so I dont run into any issues?