March 18, 2015, 3:01am
All I’ve been able to find are FSemaphores defined in FGenericPlatformProcess and it seems like there’s only a platform implementation for Windows . I’m hoping to find some implementations of mutexes and semaphores that at least exist for Mac/PC/Linux and Android.
Hmm maybe post feature request on feedback forum, or if you up to it write implementations to other platfroms and submit pull request
August 8, 2015, 5:25pm
Bumb. Yeah. It’s kinda frustrating that a multi platform engine would implement something like this for only a single platform.
Well without common implementation in UE4 you are forced to learn and use platfrom specific either way
August 8, 2015, 8:53pm
There actually is, it’s called FEvent
and represents a simple signaling primitive. It’s used for example to ensure the game thread waits for the render thread.
There are other primitives such as FScopedEvent
or FThreadSafeCounter, have a look into ThreadingBase.h
You have even FPlatformMisc::MemoryBarrier();
supported in every platform.
August 8, 2015, 8:06pm
Oh if I only knew how they worked on other platforms. I guess I’ll have to learn someday.
In case that someone needs an example on how to use FEvent I made a short Wiki with example: MultiThreading and synchronization Guide