Are older versions of oculus runtime supported for Unreal Engine 4.12.3?


I use a DK2 and when I tried installing the latest Oculus 1.3SDK i keep getting an error that says install blocked by antivirus. My error log says “RunCheck ‘Dawn.Preflight.CpuArchitectureCheck’ failed”.

So unfortunately I installed an old version of Oulus SDK version 0.5.01 because thats the only one I have saved in my computer. I then created a new project in UE4 and but the VR preview is greyed out. I am curious to know if this is due to me using an older sdk. May I know if Oculus Runtime .5.01 is supported for UE4.12.3? Or where can I find slightly older runtime versions - say maybe runtime 0.8 or something else newer that may still work with 4.12.3? Couldnt find the older version in the oculus developer page. Can someone pls help?

