Hi, I have a little problem. I want an object which I can place into the world and can set meshes and materials it can have and when the game starts, I want one of them to be applied randomly.
I set it up the following:
I have a TArray of FRandomObjectInfo’s
FRandomObjectInfo is a USTRUCT, which contains 2 UPROPERTY’s: 1 UStaticMesh* and 1 UMaterialInterface*
In the constructor, a static mesh component is constructed and hidden.
In BeginPlay, a FRandomObjectInfo from the array is chosen randomly, then it sets the static mesh and the material in the static mesh component. No tick activated, no tick method.
I blueprinted it twice (for design reason, 1 base blueprint for changes as interface between code and editor and 1 special blueprint wihch is based on the first and which has specified meshes for planets.)
As I dragged my blueprint with two mesh/material entries into the world, the editor got stuck for a minute. Then my RandomObject was in the world but my fps dropped. Every thread without Draw consumed like 100 ms, but only when I have the selection on my RandomObject. When unselected or ingame it works fine (i think 2 ms game thread overhead).
I don’t know why, i don’t know how, but I think maybe so much pointers on meshes and materials create a bottleneck? (It is actually 4, I don’t know). I wanted to know what could be the problem and if the pointers are bad (maybe through assigning them in editor I create an instance of the mesh which is actively processed? ).
I hope someone can help.