I’ve a question for those of us who are confidente with Ray Tracing for architectural visualization.
My trouble come from, it seems, the RT GI on the non lightened parts of renders (cf. image below). Whatever setting I use for my RTGI, the result is white spots on shadow parts of the final image :
This picture is an extraction of one of my render, and you can see that white spots on shadows.
For my setup I use all the recommandations of UnrealDocumentations, with the movie render queue and CVARs (cf. screenshot), and for this image the GI sample is 64, the anti-aliasing is disable and the count sample is 32 :
So, I’ve try every things who seems to be potentialy a factor of that spots, I’ve try more sample like 128, or pass light (directional light from SunSky) to 16 or more, same for the shadows sample but the only setting affected the result is RTGI sample.
But even if I drop sample to an extravagante number like 128, the white spots don’t dissapear, just less big but more distributed on shadow.
Any advices or tips are welcome !
P.S. : the scene is a house surrended but nature (last tree from Megascan, and others grass), volumetrics clouds … nothing special I mean.
You might try resetting your configuration settings and testing changing one setting at a time and seeing what happens. I haven’t heard of turning off anti-aliasing for ray tracing so that might be something there.
Otherwise, you can look into the denoiser settings, there are commands for adjusting that as well.
I’ve already test some settings, one by one, but I didn’t find what goes wrong now, but I know RTGI sample affect the patterns (white spots). I see if it’s a question of material setting (normal) …
For Raytracing and Pathtracing with Movie Render Queue, setting Anti-Aliasing to None and using your own sample numbers for spatial and temporal samples is actually the way to go
Straight from the manual ^.^ Step 6: Configure the Anti-Aliasing Settings:
[quote] * From the Movie Render Queue window, click the Unsaved Config* link to open the settings. (The ***** indicates that these settings have not yet been saved. You will save the presets once all settings have been entered.)
On the Setting/Presets window, click Anti-aliasing to open a settings dialog.
Add the following values:
Spatial Sample Count: 1
Temporal Sample Count: 64
Override Anti Aliasing Mode: Enabled
Anti Aliasing Method: None
Render Warm Up Count: 120
Engine Warm Up Count: 120[/quote]
Since this is about ArchViz, do you actually need raytracing? Because otherwise, the 4.27 pathtracer might be a better option for you, because you want to render an image or a sequence, not using real time raytarcing.
But to use the pathtracer properly, you have to switch a setting in your MRQ Settings, drop the Deferred Rendering, and activate the Pathtracer instead.
Suthriel, the pathtracing isn’t the good way for me to render because of lack of some features. And yes I’ve seen the William Faucher video on the subject, yhis guy is a gem for all !
After a little test, to be sure I’ve test the scene without the VolumetricCloud tool (not visible on rendering) and of course the white spots disappear
So, I’ve to managed the setting of VolumetricCloud, I need to read some article on the subject !! I will be back when I find the solution !