Archicad to Unreal Studio pipeline update

Doesnt seem like!

I will leave this here…


God exists!

Great :D:eek:

Thank you for the release!

After messing around with it for a while, I have two improvements to suggest (if they’re not already on your roadmap):

1 - Add the option to export the current selection, like you can in 3ds Max
While it is relatively simple to isolate that selection and then export it on Archicad, on large projects it can take a while for Archicad to re-render the whole thing once you make them visible again. Exporting the selection instead of having to hide everything else and un-hide them again would avoid that hassle

2 - Export Hotlinked modules as instanced meshes:
Right now it exports every single module instance as separate geometry, using instances (hierarchical or not) could bring significant performance (and potentially workflow) benefits. This is particularly true for affordable housing project when you sometimes have hundreds of repeated units. It could be tricky to handle nested modules, though.

One suggestion: change the id name in UE4 to the id in archicad instead of the tool name_sum

Thanks for the ArchiCAD Datasmith plugin but…
I wish it was possible to maintain the ArchiCAD library element NAMES for the imported meshes.
I was eager to create a DATAPREP template to replace some meshes on import but all Library element names are lost by DATASMITH when imported into UE4.
When I use the FBX import - via the Twinmotion ArchiCAD FBX export, all the Library element names are retained …but obviously I now can’t use DATAPREP in the import process.
Is there another way to replace some meshes on import in UE4…like what happens in Twinmotion when using the AC/Twinmotion 2020 direct link?