We are working with Graphisoft to validate a pathway from Archicad to UE4. Right now, people are using FBX and SKP. In 4.23, there will be IFC and C4D import in UE4, so two new methods will open up.
If I can give my two cents, I have used with much success Twinmotion in the past, and knowing underneath it is an Unreal Engine product, with a very interesting user interface, it would be amazing to have a workflow where we could syncronize with Twinmotion ( which already has many import/export plugins, such as Revit and SketchUp ), work the model further on Twinmotion, adding textures and models such as furniture, trees, and when done, import the Twinmotion model into the Unreal Studio for final use.
Having Unreal and VRay coupled is a really dreamy combination, one I really look forward to using with Archicad. I am doing tests with FBX, but having a “Export to Datasmith” within Twinmotion would right now be an amazing thing, considering ( and oversimplifying here ) it is possible to use Twinmotion to set up the model with great ease.
Will there be a preview version of 4.23? At the moment it’s the right time for me to test the IFC import and also C4D
we expect a preview in about 1 month
Is there any message about AC to UE4 through DATASMITH ?
We started working on it!
I had a dream last night that you combined the best parts of Twinmotion and Datasmith and released it as a kind of editor mode in the standard UE4 editor, in a similar way to Adobe programs have UI presets, with the idea that the user has optional complexity, from simple good to go in 10 minutes workflows to a project with all the flexibility of a full blown ue4 based game.
That’s going to come true right?
Not an option… I tried it in all possible ways and it was very good converting lightmaps but it imports like 60,000 element vs 80 if I save it as Twinmotion fbx…
The datasmith plugin would be the perfect bridge for a way more faster migration process. It’s a must IMHO.
Really eager to hear good news by November
Is there any tutorial on how to rebuild lightmaps imported from an FBX file from Archicad into UE4 ??
Right know I only know the workflow through 3DS (AC-3DS-UE4) but it’s very time consuming…
Any news on this? 4.24 just dropped and I’m keen to get in and start producing some nice renders!
I’m excited for this to come out. I want to showcase my concept homes but twinmotion just doesn’t do it for me.
It would be interesting to hear some news. I know Epic works on twinmotion/Archicad and Twinmotion Bridge. Is this the way we get our models into UE4 easily ? Or de we get a Unreal Studio Version for ourself ?
We are making progress. No hard date yet, but we have managed to create datasmith files from archicad. We still have a fair amount of technical issues to solve prior to be ready to ship something but the project is moving ahead
If we can help, don’t hesitate!
Ohh very well
waiting …
Same here, waiting for the updates!
Glad to hear some progress has been made but the truth si that importing an archicad model to Unreal is a joke!! lots of issues with meshes and poligons… Something happens between Archicad —> 3DSMAX —> Unreal that it separates textures between slabs and walls even thought the have the same material and are perfectly align and snap…
If someone have a good “temporary pipeline” to import archicad models into Unreal Engine 4.24 I beg you to share it with the forum!! As it’s clear that all this datasmith issues will continue at least until summer… It’s a shame that all Archicad’s competitors are datasmith “friendly” and Graphisoft only cares about Twinmotion… They are really pushing me on moving on to Revit, sadly…