Arch Linux why use clang35?

Today I started installing 4.13.2 and I noticed that I still need to have clang35 installed. That is bad because I use Codelite and clang (atm 3.8.1). So every time I want to update UE4 I have to remove Clang and Codelite, install UE4 and then reinstall Codelite and clang.

However, if I compile C++ projects with clang 3.8.1 they work.

I found a answer on how to white list a version of clang.

My Question now is: Why do we need clang 3.5 if the usual clang package is working?

Well I don’t know exactly why it’s with clang35 on the setup script but you can also modify the installing script.
Locate line 139 and change DEPS="clang35 mono python sdl2 qt4 dos2unix cmake" to DEPS="clang mono python sdl2 qt4 dos2unix cmake"
Now it should compile the engine.

Okay, that’s easy!
Maybe epic changes the dependencies in future releases.

We don’t use nor even test Arch but we keep the Arch-specific logic in for users’ convenience, even if it is out of date (still easier to start with something instead from scratch). Feel free to submit a pull request to fix it, although keep in mind that it will be in 4.15 at this point, so your changes need to be future proof enough.

The package in the AUR, patches the file for the correct Clang version. It might not work with 3.9 currently.

I changed the line in the to use clang instead of clang35 here is the request:

Hi, I added a pull-request here:

I tested it with clang 3.9.0 (the most recent at the moment) with the promoted branch.
It works.