ArcGIS map texture rendering

I am currently making a map using ArcGIS and I am running into the issue of video memory being exhausted and streaming pool messages. I was wondering if there was a way to save the map once fully loaded so that I dont have to load the mesh every time I open the map? Any feedback will help. Thank you.

Hey @BoLDBLooDED, welcome to the forums!
Since you’re exhausting it so frequently with the ArcGIS calls, you may want to look into Alembic or Geometry Caching. It’s typically used for animation loading, but I feel like this could be a possible use case for it as well - as long as the asset gets fully loaded once, it should be cached and ready for use on the next run-through. It will be a strain on the initial load still, but it may help with later processing.
I’d also recommend checking out the Profiler. It could help you find specifics on what’s draining so much and how to optimize it.
I hope this can help, and let me know how it goes!