Hello, I wanted to try Arcore Build on Galaxy Tab S3 ( I have AR Core instaled on device).
I created sample project, and just press Launch on device. App installed proberly on tab but after I launch it I got black screen and then it closes itself without any error message.
I have Code works installed on my pc. Version of AR Core plugin is the same as in UE4.21 official build (its not from github).
Thanks for answer - I checked everything like in posted topic but with still any luck.
I think mine problem is slightly different - I launch app without any errors in Output Log. It starts on device, it gets me black screen and after few seconds it closes itself.
Ar core is installed properly because Measure app works ok.
Connect your Phone via USB, and while running logcat (adb -d logcat (I think)) start your App in the Phone and You geht the information why IT Crashes in the PC shell.
In my Post i don’t Talk from arcore itselfe, but the UNREAL Ar SDK library Not packaged with your application, so this has nothing to do with any Others App running fine in your Phone
And maybe try to get a simple Android app from UE WITHOUT arcore include running First to bei sure IT IS Not Something Else.