AR App development problem thread- ARCore

Problem1 : Low quality camera image, decreased contrast and high noise.
Image taken in 4.20.3

Image taken in 4.19

I can’t figure out what is causing this! Can someone please help me out?

Hi, do you happen to have mobile hdr enabled in one of those builds? Also what devices are those screenshot coming from.

Hey Bo Pang; The phone i am using is moto g5s+, Yes I have mobile HDR enabled.
Could that be a reason for this problem? However I have tried it without HDR too, I had no luck with that too!
Please help me

Sorry for the late reply. Do you mind create an issue on our github repo if this is still an issue? Issues · google-ar/arcore-unreal-sdk · GitHub

Also do you see any difference in the camera texture after you turned off HDR? Could you try it on other phones to see if the issue happens there as well?

You can try to workaround this issue by modifying the GoogleARCorePassthroughCameraMaterial to reduce the overall brightness.