Still working on it, I hope to finish in 8 hours from now:)

Oh wow, did not realize the game jam ends 6 hours later than usual.

I still plan on streaming… but ****.

Edit: I guess the rules still say midnight… so… alright.

So here is another entry from TinyInteractiveMedia wowzers I was a tough one this time, even though I feel I’ve done my best effort so far!!!
The Game is called “Squirrel Mafia” and you have to collect the Acorns for the Squirrels and will help you on your way (or will they?)
I’ve got a bit of a thing for low Poly art as you might have guessed with my last two submissions, all the assets have been made by me since the start of the Jam and I even got some audio made this time!
The controls are
W,A,S,D or Arrows to move
Space bar to jump
P to Pause and Unpause
Team Name:TinyInteractiveMedia
Team Members: Paddon
Game Name: Squirrel Mafia
Dropbox - AprilGameJam.zip - Simplify your life

Scorched Interactive : 's Egg Masquerade

Team Name: Scorched Interactive
Team Members: Whitworth and Hodges
Submission Name: ScorchedInteractive_Chance’sEggMasquerade




We spent a TON of time on this. Hope you all like it!!

(Bug - Make sure to full screen the game. We are working on fixing this. The hud cuts off on windowed mode.)

(Update - 11:50pm - Bugs Fixed - Uploading new version to Dropbox)


I’ll start to upload soon , hope there’s no problem with itchio 8)

EDIT:The game is on itch.io , but here is a lighter version of the download (let’s get rid of those start pack assets!!! XD)

actually, I’m playing the game and this is by far one of the most fun game I ever made, I was not able to polish it (the audio suck, sorry XD), but give it a , the fun is all there 8). It’s very rewarding to be able to suggest a game that I had made. Still , try it a couple of time for understanding the mechanics, but you have to switch between the build mode and the egg very often to build the defences (all 4 of the buildings are needed, you can iterate between the buildings by pressing the 1,2,3,4 buttons or the front buttons on the joystick (fire to build)), but you have to avoid to press all the buildings in one place or you’ll not be able to move the eggs. start with 2 cylinder (it spawn new eggs) and one piramid (it’s a tower) for covering the weak spots. Than build a lot of piramids, but you will lose without the other 3 buildings. Have Fun 8)


If there is a problem, said to just post it here like before.


itchy takes about 5-10 mins to register then you have to upload, so allow some time. wish I had known that before but all in all looks kool

just me
Ayretek Egg Scrambler

but just in case providing a link here:

also PS: requesting first play Please! :slight_smile:

PULLLEEEZZZWEEE - I want to sleep & eat again! lol

Back Story: wasn’t going to do another Game Jam or at least chill with this one, but my addiction got the best of me. so after dumping one or so ideas decided on one and figured if I made it in time good, if not, well you always learn something, right?
get this, spawn a 2nd mesh actor and set the transform variable right, so la-de-da everything’s good, I go to change it and change my spawn point. I just used the default, wasn’t going to change it on the fly so default should work, right? well… this darn thing Won’t Change! Whaaaaa…t ? what did I do?
multiple compiles, saves, even restarted launcher several times. jeez… this guy won’t go away… wish my Life was this Constant, ya know what I mean.
finally I had wasted too much time on it, so picked up another idea n rushed to finish in the 8-10 hours I had left. so be understanding when you play someone’s entry, it’s definitely not an easy road to take all the time. especially to make it by the deadline, so be understanding especially for the new people.

good luck all :wink:

Cargo Collector

Team: Red Helicopter
Members: christopherreed

Collect the crates and deliver them to the building, survive 3 waves.
Avoid rooftop turrets and snipers in the windows.

Each crate collected slows helicopter performance.

WASD / ARROWS + CTRL (drop crate if it’s too heavy)

P : Pause
ESC : Quit


Really bare-bones game. Came up with the idea and started from scratch Sunday morning. No meshes. Sorry about the bloom :confused: etc…

Well, AI was a significant aspect of said “game”, a dungeon crawler that, as you collect loot, you become weighed down, and the various traps and NPC’s become harder to avoid… I’ll see what I can do, though!

's Hamster Died :frowning:

he’s having issues getting the stream to push thru

linky: http://www.twitch.tv/awesomeallar

be there :cool:

it’s up, come join us

Some interesting idea’s here, amazing to see how different everybody’s take is on the theme. Unfortunately I didn’t get a over the weekend to work on mine as much as I had hoped and won’t have enough of it finished in time to submit :frowning: Was good to work through what I did and learn plenty so will definitely give the next 1 a better crack!

yeah, it’s sad not to make the deadline.
but what you learn is golden, you wouldn’t think you would learn so much

BTW: Egg Scrambler - Game Hints

** use easy mode accessible from menu for lot easier gameplay
** don’t tell no one but to see ending just hit ‘G’ :wink:

I could not upload to itch.io because I just exceed fili size limit by ~90 mb. :confused: So here it
is, old fashioned way :slight_smile:

Game name: Chickens in Space
Team Name: Marcin Matuszczyk
List of Team Members: Marcin Matuszczyk
Name: MarcinMatuszczyk_Chickens_in_Space

Put in egg - arrow up
Put out egg - arrow down
Submit eggs - enter

Welcome to chicken space army! It’s time for your for first training soldier!
Prove to general Mathslayer that you know basics about mathematics!

Music: http://incompetech.com/

Download: (zip 551 mb)



I really liked this one :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Short stream. Might be because people are going off of itch.io countdown clock and I started stream at regular time as indicated by forum post, but aye. Played all submissions prior to this edit. About 5 hours left to go on the itch.io countdown though. Was fun.

Had a good time with this one. Despite a hectic sat/sun I managed to put something together that I’m proud of.

I was inspired by those threads on polycount where the artist shares each phase of the process. See itch.io page for the breakdown:


hey all so that was my first game jam, first post and first finished game(monty’s egg hunt) lol was a lot of fun. thanks epic for holding this event and who participated.

In the same boat GodofMoxie, welcome & Hello.

Submitted my first game jam, first UE4 game, and posting for the first time, lol. I started learning UE4 on Monday. Absolutely the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Moving from UE3 to UE4 has been a treat and this game jam was what I needed to run through all the new features and Blueprints. I’ve been a programmer for a long time, I’ve always hated attaching nodes and the usual bad prototypes that have been made in the past, but Blueprints is actually getting somewhere and is a huge step in the right direction to replace scripting and game-play programming.

I have a wish list for Epic Games, where should we post these?

Thanks for the engine Epic, game jam, and good luck to.

Is the a way to vote on itch.io site or any other way when I submitted game here on forum? On itch.io voting is allowed only for those who submitted a game there so it’s a bummer for me :confused:
And no one can vote for my game now?:frowning:

Monty’s Egg Hunt was legit, yo.

Thanks ^^ we had to cut the boss fight and the other attacks but i hope the voice acting made up for it lol.