Applying materials

I have created an architectural commercial building I need to render in sketchup I exported it out and saved it in 3ds max after a few tweaks I have successfully imported into ue4 and need to apply materials

Does anyone know how

1.I can flip the normals some sections of the model show those box images but other areas are just a solid color

  1. And given that I imported the entire model as one in to ue4 will I be able to apply different materials to any face of the model or do I need to do something different when I import


I believe you cannot alter the normals by polygon in Unreal, this is something you want to do in your 3D application.
Regarding the materials, this will also require some preparation in your 3D software. If you work with 3Ds Max, you need to set up a Multi/Sub-Object Material.

You can find some info about it here:

Using a Multi/Sub-Object material will allow you to set up multiple materials for your model in Unreal.

Hope I could help a bit.

  1. You cant flip the faces just like that. Its a static mesh, hence te name :slight_smile: So its directly liked to your question number two:
  2. You need to set up different material elements in your model. But be aware that each material element incurrs one additional drawcall on the mesh when rendered. A better solution might be to create a nask texture and create a material that combines your different submaterials…

If you imported all at once (I guess you meant combined meshes?) you’re going to have a huge surprise when you bake your lighting. Unless you go fully dynamic, it’s not going to work because your going to have only 1 huge messy lightmap for the whole building and it’s going to be very ugly.