Applying a radial blur effect in multiple points at the same time

I’m currently trying to set up a Radial Blur post-process effect to be used with VFX such as explosions. I followed this tutorial:

And was able to implement the shader and make some changes to it, including being able to set the center of the radial blur and using stencil buffer to be able to apply the effect on top of a specific area/boject. This is great so I can define a specific area for e.g. the explosion.

The problem is that the radial blur requires a center coordinate to calculate the effect on the area around it. Currently I can set center coordinate via a parameter in the Material Editor. However, I have have e.g. 2 transparent spheres with custom stencil applied to them, one to the left of the camera and one to the right, and want to apply the effect on both at the same time, I can not define 2 different center points as parameter for each of the 2 spheres.

I’m not very familiar with Unreal so I’m not sure if I’m going the right way about it. Any advice on how to achieve this?