Hey guys, recently I have came across unique issue with ApplyRadialDamage.
I’m using interfaces for applying Radial Damage to AI and Players. The issue is that it working in one level and not working in other levels which have Landscapes.
Hi, I’m using interfaces for apply these damages. The base class handles everything related to Damage and Health.
I tried by adding Sphere collision and tried Multi-Sphere Trace by channel still no use.
I have interface which AppliesRadial Damage. This function is getting called. But the ApplyDamage is not getting called. Don’t know what’s the issue here.
Couple things, the target plugin on the apply explosive damage plugin, appears to be an actor objects reference? But you r got an array going into it you’d want to run a for each loop, and the self reference is going into what looks like should be an array per the c++ code
Checkout Alamars dev domain on YouTube, had some great tutorials on c++ and GAS, the way it sets up health and damage is easily replicatable and implemented usibg gameplay attributes and effects
I have tried by running in for each loop yet no use. This is what i found from debugging…
For Successful case which is working in one level… After Applying radial damage it is calling TakeDamage…which is correct… this is how damage applies to player/AI…
For Failure Case: When the level consists of LANDSCAPE(Maybe this is not an issue)…
LogTemp: ABaseEnemy::ApplyExplosionDamage_Implementation
LogTemp: Error: ABaseEnemy::ApplyRadialDamage is 0
ApplyRadialDamage is returning 0…it’s not applying damage to any actor.
Yes it was landscape which is causing issue. Apply Radial damage prevents damage on Visibility Channel by default. The Landscape blocks every channel. When I changed the Collision response of landscape to ignore Visibility channel its working.