APlayerController::GetTouchInputState does not work :(

I had been using blueprints to program the player controller for my game. I needed to use multiple touch inputs, and I had defined a function as follows:

The objective was to store the touch location for the last frame so that I can use functionality that requires dragging with one or two fingers.

At a later stage in development, I had to add multiplayer system to my game, and it proved to be difficult using Blueprints, hence I decided to convert the BPs I had made into C++.
It was going fine until I had to use the APlayerController::GetTouchInputState function (the same one that I had used in the BP). I tried the following:

The AFightPC class derives from APlayerController. However, when I execute this, no matter if I am touching (clicking the screen, I have simulate touch enabled) or not, it always displays false for both fingers.

What am I doing wrong? The same logic works fine with BP so I’m really confused about what might be causing the issue.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.

Turns out that I just forgot to call Super::InputTouch(…) from the InputTouch override I had made. Adding that line fixed the issue.

rookie mistake :')

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