My projects has grown about 3MB from 4.8.3 to 4.9.0 and after disabling all unnecessary plugins the size keeps the same.
Noticed a inside the APK file in LIB folder that I believe my project doesn’t need it. How I can get rid of it? Disabling the VR pugings don’t do nothing, the file with about 1MB are still there.
My cotent assets file also grow, while I haven’t made any change to my game content after migrating. There is any possibility that some engine content has jumped in my project after the upgrade?
Kind regards,
I have found this:
The plugs dialog is accessed from the Edit menu. You will need to have a code project for changes to take effect since this will need to compile a new library without the code; enabled plugins are compiled into the same .so on Android and iOS. If you only have a content-only project (Blueprints and no C++), you can just add an empty class to make it a code project. Staying under the 50 MB limit - Mobile Development - Unreal Engine Forums
Trying it, installed VS 2013 community, added a new C++ class to my project, without adding any code. Package it again and now the Build fails.
Log here:
link text
Also when I add a new C++ class to my project it don’t show in my content browser.
Update, new test:
Created a new C++ clean project from 2D SideScroller… Disabled all VR plugins… compile and package to android…
Anyway the is still there…