Hey guys, I am having an issue with creating destructible meshes in UE 4.22. I have the plugin enabled and have the ability to right click the mesh and create destructible mesh, however when I go to fracture the mesh, it shows the same un-fractured mesh for preview 0 and 1. I can click empty chunks and use the explode slider and watch them move, but the mesh never changes?
I’ve tried disabling and re-enabling the Apex Destruction plugin but that made no difference. I have tried this on my own meshes as well as “starter content” meshes like the cube and sphere.
That is correct. It only shows a wireframe outline around each individual chunk. The location of the wireframe updates with the slider, but there is no chunk visible and the mesh from Preview Depth 0 remains.
However, I did just find that by deleting the assigned materials under Skeletal Mesh, it will then update the location of each chunk, but still will not update with the slider. The only way to view the explosion of the fracture is to delete the assigned materials.
Again, this is with the default sphere mesh and I am still having this issue?
Here is a quick TY video I uploaded to show the issue a little better:
I noticed in the video that Min Fracture Depth is not set. Is it somehow correlated with the actual fracturing event? If there’s no minimum, then it doesn’t know where to start or something?
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