Title basically asks all I want to know. I don’t remember there being anything that one has to do to setup a motion controller other than add the component, set the Hand and Player Index values and make sure the component gets activated all of which are known true in my case and can be verified at runtime.
The Pawn Hierarchy and event tick are shown below.
The pawn inherits from another pawn class which has nothing in it but a visibility line trace (on Tick) and members to store the trace hit result and the hit actor.
Update: I’ve heard from the Unreal Slacker’s Discord that a project migration from 4.18 to 4.19 (with the changes to the XRSystem and motion controller) can cause an issue where the MotionControllerComponent is not updated. This is possibly true of my project since it was originally a 4.18 project now using 4.19 – but I have no current solution for this issue, and not much information to provide.
I’ve tried stripping down this project to a single map with a single auto possessed pawn w/ motion controller and the component doesn’t work in my project whatsoever, even when it matches what works in a newly created project and follows the [MotionControllerSetup documentation][3] page