For all those who can’t witness it themselves, it would be cool to share such a project.
Looking at the Community Ocean project, it has a Sky BP that is a good starting point, however it does not make an eclipse if you set the variables of the upcoming eclipse.
I’ve shared a link to the Github page, for >UE4.15.1
I think it would be a great experience to share with those unable to witness it themselves.
-> grandparents who are non-mobile or anyone else!
If anyone can help with the syncing up of the moon and sun, that would be greatly appreciated!
Lat.: 36.9664° N
Long.: 87.6709° W Total Solar Eclipse
Duration of Totality: 2m40.1s
Magnitude: 1.015
Obscuration: 100.00%
Event Date Time (UT) Alt Azi
Start of partial eclipse (C1) : 2017/08/21 16:56:05.5 61.8° 149.0°
Start of total eclipse (C2) : 2017/08/21 18:24:11.9 64.0° 197.2°
Maximum eclipse : 2017/08/21 18:25:32.0 63.9° 197.9°
End of total eclipse (C3) : 2017/08/21 18:26:51.9 63.8° 198.7°
End of partial eclipse (C4) : 2017/08/21 19:51:16.0 53.6° 234.0°