Anyone having issues with textures not showing up in game but do in UEFN?

I have an asset that in editor has textures but in game it does not. I downloaded the model and textures from sketchfab and just imported it, added the material with texture and then added the asset to the world.

reopened my project and the materials were missing, so I had to recreate them and reapply, seems to be showing in the editor and in game.

Hey @TheAweDam, just wanted to check in here… Are you saying you’re no longer seeing the issue? Are there any steps you’ve been able to take to reproduce? Thanks!

I don’t really have any repro steps. I had imported a model, added to the world, changed the material to be the one the model came with and then launched the game but textures weren’t there. I restarted uefn and relaunched the game and then it was showing up correctly. In the end it’s working now!