Any ideas would be appreciated!
What it looks like
The material loaded onto the mesh
The material instance
The base material, maybe something to do with this material function?
The material function
No, thats not it because taking a chrome material that is working and applying to this mesh also doesn’t work
The working material Applied to the headlight Also so not workingIt will only look like chrome if you have a reflection capture in the level.
There are lots of reflection captures in the level. As I mentioned in the second post, replacing the non-working material with one that does work doesn’t change anything.
They have the lights blasted out to crazy units in the car configurator project (where this car came from) and there are some functions that control the lights in the BP. All of that has been disabled though, and even if the lights were too bright it actually looks like the default material so it appears like there is something else going on besides lighting or reflections.