any way to disable FObjectFinder error popup ?


Some assets are not there yet and I just log them out
yet that popup appear saying it cannot find assets

is there a way to disable it ?


Hello @phil123456

In regards to the specific issue you’re having with the CDO Constructor error, I’d recommend taking a look at this post. There some other users having the same problem and seemed to have resolved it. I hope that this is helpful for you!

thx I’ll have a look

no it’s not the same issue

the asset does not exist in my case, I just sometimes don’t import it for some reason

I just want to disable that popup

I tried this, but that god damned function never returns true

FString _path = "/Game/SomePackage";
FString _path = "/Game/SomePackage.SomePackage";
FString _path = "StaticMesh'/Game/SomePackage'";
FString _path = "StaticMesh'/Game/SomePackage.SomePackage'";
if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(_path, &Guid, &OutFilename, true))
	packagePath = _path;