Hello, i have this error after create the FirstPersonMesh in the “FirstPersonShooter Example”. example from here
This error comes only if i launch the game, not in editor with play.
Error: CDO Constructor: Failed to find Blueprint’/Game/Blueprints/BP_FPSCharacter2.BP_FPSCharacter2’
But this BP exists…
The copied reference is: “Blueprint’/Game/Blueprints/BP_FPSCharacter2.BP_FPSCharacter2’”
In the AFPSGameMode constructor:
// set default pawn class to our Blueprinted character
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> PlayerPawnObject( TEXT( "Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/BP_FPSCharacter2.BP_FPSCharacter2'" ) );
if ( PlayerPawnObject.Object != NULL )
DefaultPawnClass = (UClass*) PlayerPawnObject.Object->GeneratedClass;
Play in editor works fine, but after hit ‘launch’ prints this error.
The editor show this BP in the “Scene Outliner” as active actor called “BP_FPSCharacter2_C1”.
I found some older answers; add “_C” to BP finder - but then is this BP not found in editor AND after launch.
Can anyone help me please?
BTW - i make the same example with UE 4.3.1 and this works fine!
Make again in 4.4 and launch failed again with same error.
I ran into something similar to this where it wouldn’t find blueprints when I deployed to Android. Hopefully the fix is the same for you: in your project/Config folder look for DefaultEditor.ini, change bDontLoadBlueprintOutsideEditor=true to bDontLoadBlueprintOutsideEditor=false.
Hi I have same problem just yet and the solution is in mine ;
Go to GameMode.cpp and change the line that belongs to file path to Wherever your main character’s file path is For example;