Hello! I have a bunch of game logic code written in C#, and I’m tight on time so I’d rather not rewrite it all. It shouldn’t be too burdensome to write a wrapper around it all and build a DLL though, so that’s what I’m hoping to do.
I have read this and it didn’t provide much of use: Using c++ to call specality managed C# dll - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums
I have also read this, which seems to indicate that I shouldn’t have any issues as long as all my signature definitions line up properly: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
Is there anything I should be aware of that could come up, or any misunderstandings I might seem to have? Are there any limitations to this approach that I should keep in mind, other than the fact that cross-library code execution is going to be a one-way street?
Currently, my game state updates are occasional and driven exclusively through binary user input (button presses, mouse clicks, etc.). Would it be reasonable to expect that I could extend this approach to a C# DLL that is managing 3d spatial data for game objects that are updated in real-time, though? Obviously that means calculating data in UE4 and then making a copy of it in the C# layer, but that alone shouldn’t be too bad as long as there isn’t also some sort of “handoff cost” I’m unaware of.
I intend to test this stuff myself as well, but I wanted to ask here in case the crowd consensus was not to waste my time. Any additional thoughts you may have, even if I didn’t ask for them, are greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for your time and insight!