I’m making a private map just for the sake of getting to know UEFN. I’ve tried to build the minimap in the editor, but no matter what I do, the level just wont render on the map. It’s a really frustrating bug that I can’t seem to find a fix for.
I’m going to take a shot in the dark here. Do you have a barrier over the entire play area? If so it needs to be set to hollow, if it is set to box, the minimap will not render anything under it.
@tobi-polar Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative
Hello tobi-polar!
Have you tried setting the LevelBounds size of your project to match the proper area of your gameplay? The minimap should be captured based on it.
Your project has an actor (accessible via the World Outliner) called ‘LevelBounds’. Select it and by using the Scale widget to match your gameplay area.
Thanks, let me know if this helps!
I’ve noticed that you’ve provided this suggestion in multiple topics raising the same issue, and whilst this may be the solution, it’s seemingly not possible within UEFN currently. The ‘LevelBounds’ instance cannot be modified, neither via the ‘Scale’ widget nor the ‘Details’ panel. Whilst it can be deleted, it can’t be recreated.
As Ben stated above, the LevelBounds actor is unable to be scaled/moved in the editor. And unfortunately my issue isn’t caused by barriers being above the play area either as Tribe suggested
However, after learning about the LevelBounds Actor, I checked my project and found that I didn’t have one in the level… It appears I also can’t re-add a level bounds actor, making this project file doomed to never have a minimap.
@CALINS_GRATUITS A suggestion for future versions of UEFN: A “Repair Project” Button, that will check for all non user editable actors like the Level Bounds actors, and if they’re missing from the project, re-add them.
I know I am a little late to the topic, but for future reference. If you open a new project, copy the LevelBounds in the outliner of that project, then open the project that you are missing it in and paste it, it will work. I was having the same issue and this solved it.