Any idea how to write this in c++? Regarding Steam Workshop setup

I have been following various tutorials and whatnot to sort of frankenstein my own setup for uploading objects to Steam Workshop.

I have the below code in my game instance h file:

class DUNGEON3D_API UDungeonGameInstance : public UGameInstance

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "GameInstance|SteamWorkshop")
		FString CommunityFileUrl = "steam://url/CommunityFilePage/";
		virtual void CreateSteamWorkshopItem();

	void onItemCreated(CreateItemResult_t* pCallback, bool bIOFailure);
	void onItemSubmitted(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t* pCallback, bool bIOFailure);

	CCallResult<UDungeonGameInstance, CreateItemResult_t> m_CreateItemResult;
	CCallResult<UDungeonGameInstance, SubmitItemUpdateResult_t> m_SubmitItemUpdateResult;


And my cpp file below:

void UDungeonGameInstance::CreateSteamWorkshopItem()
    SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = SteamUGC()->CreateItem(SteamUtils()->GetAppID(), k_EWorkshopFileTypeCommunity);
    m_CreateItemResult.Set(hSteamAPICall, this, &UDungeonGameInstance::onItemCreated);

void UDungeonGameInstance::onItemCreated(CreateItemResult_t* pCallback, bool bIOFailure)
    if (pCallback->m_eResult == k_EResultOK && !bIOFailure)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Item created!"));

        if (pCallback->m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement)
            char* fileurl;
            fileurl = (TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*CommunityFileUrl));

        UGCUpdateHandle_t handle = SteamUGC()->StartItemUpdate(SteamUtils()->GetAppID(), pCallback->m_nPublishedFileId);

        SteamUGC()->SetItemTitle(handle, "D3D test");
        SteamUGC()->SetItemDescription(handle, "Description test");
        SteamUGC()->SetItemUpdateLanguage(handle, "None");
        SteamUGC()->SetItemMetadata(handle, "Test metadata");
        SteamUGC()->SetItemVisibility(handle, k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic);

        SteamParamStringArray_t* pTags = new SteamParamStringArray_t();
        pTags->m_ppStrings = new const char* [1];
        pTags->m_ppStrings[0] = "stage";
        pTags->m_nNumStrings = 1;
        SteamUGC()->SetItemTags(handle, pTags);
        SteamUGC()->AddItemKeyValueTag(handle, "test_key", "test_value");
        std::string mod_directory = "/Mods";
        SteamUGC()->SetItemContent(handle, mod_directory.c_str());
        std::string preview_image = "Mods/preview.png";
        SteamUGC()->SetItemPreview(handle, preview_image.c_str());

        std::string pchChangeNote = "D3D changelog test.";

        SteamAPICall_t submit_item_call = SteamUGC()->SubmitItemUpdate(handle, pchChangeNote.c_str());
        m_SubmitItemUpdateResult.Set(submit_item_call, this, &UDungeonGameInstance::onItemSubmitted);
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to create item!"));

void UDungeonGameInstance::onItemSubmitted(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t* pCallback, bool bIOFailure)
    if (pCallback->m_eResult == k_EResultOK && !bIOFailure)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Updated item submitted!"));

I THINK it should work, but I am missing a vital line that I can’t figure out how to translate properly to c++. I am assuming I need to set a delegate, but my various attempts so far have failed and I just need some guidance on the delegate itself and how to write this out. This is the part I need to add:

this.OnCreateItemResultCallResult = CallResult<CreateItemResult_t>.Create(this.OnCreateItemResult);

Basically I need to add a ‘Call result handler’ for CreateItemResult_t. Again, it looks like it’s basically a delegate to me. I’ve made a few delegates here and there over the last couple of months of really diving into c++, and I’m fairly comfortable with them, but I am unable to write this thing correctly regardless of all my attempts. I would very much appreciate some help.

For reference:

Would super appreciate some insight!

I think your setup looks ok but you need to trigger the callbacks.
Steam recommends doing it at >10hz so it’s probably ok to do it in Tick :

void UDungeonGameInstance::Tick(float dt)

Shouldn’t that happen automatically (assuming the engine is configured to use OSSSteam)?

Oh I’m a dummy, that’s what I was missing, haha! Now it works, thank you.

I needed to actually tell it to run the callbacks, for whatever reason it wasn’t doing it automatically. But adding that, now it works!

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