Hello I am experiencing anti aliasing problems when rendering Panoramic images in UE5.3. I tried increasing temporal sampling to 64 and setting r.ScreenPercentage to 175, but i still get jagged edges. What could I do to fix this?
Also I am using movie render queue and will be using the panoramic images a hdr sequences
can’t see any issues in this compressed image. next time you should upload a lossless file (png) to show the issue.
temporal samples are accumulated over time. they are mostly used to create shutter effects like motion blur. not sure how much they help in a static shot.
you should consider a different aa method. like fxaa or msaa that can compute aa on a static piece of image.
I thought that temporal samples would increase the amount of time it calculated each pixel?
But I will try those methods. I am trying to create a animated HDRI so I can bring it into 3DS Max to render in vray.