I do not understand how to solve this problem, yet I do understand it. The best way to explain it is that I set up a camera system where when the player goes up to an ammo box and presses “Q” the camera view will switch and transition to view the content inside the ammo box. I set this up with a get all actors of class node since that is the only way I know how to switch camera views within an actor (I do understand setting up cameras in level BPs. It is very much different than doing so inside an actor though)
Here is the part I don’t understand how to work around. In the first screenshot I circled the number inside the array get a copy because that number refers to the placed ammo box on the level such as in the second screenshot I labeled the ammo boxes I placed in order. The camera will always activate ONLY on the first placed ammo box rather than the one I would walk up to. When ever I take the Ammo Box ordered as “0” the camera would then switch to Ammo Box “1” when I walk over to Ammo Box “2” to see its contents.
The Camera is completely dependent on the order I placed the ammo boxes. Is there a way I can work around this Get all actors of class node to switch camera? I cannot believe how difficult it is just to have a simple camera switch. Wish this could be easier.