Here is another transient error you all love to fix =)
Now, I’m no stranger to this hub as I’ve been using UE4 since 4.2 and there was already a project submitted that can be used from this link here in 4.6 which was fixed w/4.7.
I said I would post my other ones when I had some time so here is how you can replicate it:
Open up project and open up blueprint Content/Play/CharmState.
Force a save and you will run into issue.
Now, I’ve found a way around this by painstaking trying to save/compile some blueprints in different orders, carefully paying attention to what blueprints cause other blueprints to be “dirty” for recompilation.
If you open up and compile following blueprints IN ORDER then you are able to save CharmState blueprint mentioned above.
… now you should be able to save CharmState.
Obviously, this is a problem that needs to be addressed as this can happen elsewhere but not knowing proper order makes it so it is unusable.
If you need me to provide another round of files then please send me a link to do it privately. I am hoping you all still have files from my last project though. Thank you for your time.
Hey jeffvoigt,
I think we still have a copy of project here. Is it ciicharm? If so, I haven’t been able to upgrade it. Can you send along 4.7.3 version of your project? PM on forums should be fine. Thanks!
Hi ,
Thanks for project update! I was able to reproduce this behavior in your project, and I’ve created a bug report for it (UE-13682) with a copy for developers. I’ll let you know as soon as I see any update on it. Thanks!
Will this be addressed for 4.8?
We believe this is fixed in 4.8, however I am waiting on further details from developers to confirm. I will let you know when I know more. Thanks for your patience!
Hi ,
I just checked this in 4.8 Preview 2, and it appears to be saving without any trouble. Can you check that and let me know whether it’s still a problem for you? Thanks!
I’m making an additional note here. I encountered this error whenever I hot reloaded C++ code. I simply have to avoid any hot reload, and directly compile and deploy into iphone.
Using Xcode 6.4 + UE 4.8.2 + Mac OS X 10.10.4. C++ TopDownProject. For iPhone game development.
I can see this could be very annoying if I have to update code for editor. Restarting editor fixes problem.
It occurs both when editor is launched from epic launcher and from Xcode.
Hi mindblender,
I believe that may be a separate issue with HotReload, especially if you’re still experiencing it in 4.8.2. Please open a new post and we can get right people to look into it for you. Thanks!