We’ve been working on a project since 4.3 (c++/source & blueprints). Over course of time we’ve run into Transient error seen here:
After doing a lot of research it seems to be it is because we have a lot of circular dependencies issues going on i.e.:
BP relies on BP Function Library which relies on another BP which relies on same BP function library. Honestly, it is a bit frustrating.
In any case we just upgraded to 4.7 release branch (GitHub) and I’m on a mission to try and clean this up but cannot figure out how to break this chain. I’ve documented steps for ONE case that I would like to address:
Please get latest source/content here:
EDIT: http://.ms/1aq9CxB
After you are able to compile and launch project all you have to do is following:
Open UI Blueprint Library “Content/UI/_ui_library”
Click Save. You will receive error.
I figured it had to do w/ fact that it references CharmMode blueprint. If that was case I removed only place it references it which is in GeneratePieceDisplay function. After removing node I still cannot save it. I have no idea how I can start to address issue.
Please help us get back on right track.
Thanks for details! Is it possible to include .uproject in your second (4.7) ? Or is there some reason that you can’t? Just want to make sure I’m reproing this correctly before I cobble together a project.
I’ll get on that and update my original post w/a new link. Give me 2 minutes =)
Updated link above. Our dev team is on Six Forks so you should stop over one day and I can show you a few more transient issues =). one I documented is quickest one to find.
I’m having same issue with a BPL in our project. It can’t be saved at all anymore in 4.7. Opening BPL and clicking save gives error.
I would just like to know if there are any updates to this issue. Thank you very much!
Hi ,
Sorry, no update to report just yet, but we’ve gotten project to Dan to look over and we’ll post here as soon as we have any new information for you. Thanks for your patience!
I want to delete this from public so can you please make sure it is downloaded on your end? I hope you all are making progress. I run into it in multiple situations which forces me to make additional bp libraries just so I can proceed. It has taken a lot of time away from progress. Perhaps it is because all of other pieces to engine are just so darn good! Thanks,
You can take it down, I have a copy here that Dan has access to. Thanks for your patience!
Just wanted to see if there was any progress. We have started to create new bp libraries with methods to get around this but they are also getting trapped in this error to where we can’t edit them anymore either. At this point we may just have to start duplicating a lot of methods across multiple blueprints.
Hi ,
I’ve contacted to ask for an update. I’ll let you know when I hear back. Thanks for your patience!
And I’m back! Sorry delay, lots of things going on. I just fired your project up in in mainline and was not able to reproduce issue - I’m trying it in 4.7.3 now.
But you were able to reproduce it in 4.7.2 correct!??
If you can replicate it in 4.7.2 and it is fixed in 4.7.3 could you at least tell me specific GitHub pushes I could grab to fix it? I run off source. Or perhaps you could tell me if 4.7.3 will be released to main 4.7 in near future. Thanks!
Good news: This appears to have been fixed by following github commits:
These will be included in 4.7.3 release, but if you’re making your own build you can just pull from latest version of 4.7. We’re eager to hear about any further issues you have in 4.7 branch, your reports to this point have been incredibly helpful.
Here is test I ran:
Compiled your sln, ran Debug Editor config. Loaded into ‘Persistent’ map and opened _ui_library asset, saved it. In vanilla 4.7 I got a GLEO, but in 4.7.3 I was able to save asset without issues.
Edit: links to github commits, fixed commit#
Updated with answer - main 4.7 code has commits in question.
Awesome. I just got changes and am recompiling. I’ll let you know what happens. I’m also going to run my other transient error tests to see if they are fixed! I would love to come visit you all and show you game we are working on. We are right up road on six forks =)
Darn. I have 4.7.2 with those cherry picked items above (3 file changes). Still getting error. Apparently there are more changes I would need… Not sure safest route at this point. Wait until 4.7.3 or figure out a few more related changes?
I rebuilt source, etc and went through exact steps you did.
Heheh, myself and most of blueprint team is in , but I’ll keep an eye out for meetups in area.
Wait, you updated one of commit codes. Getting it now and trying again…