Another bug!! Baked lighting is broken

Discovering one or two bugs every week, today this is the second one: Baked lighting is just inexistent if the baked element is a blueprint with ‘static’ Static Meshes inside. Quite unbelievable. Why no one is noticing these things?:

Check project:
Baked_lighting_bug.rar (242.5 KB)

As far as I know, blueprints can’t have static lights, even when their meshes are marked as static. I think the answer is

– Moveable objects
Lowering the Volumetric Lightmap Detail Cell size under lightmass settings.

The default is 200 ( which is in centimeters ), so with that you get lighting information on movable objects only every 2 meters!

If you go low enough, you’ll have the same quality lighting on everything, including the movable objects too.

Hi @ClockworkOcean ,

Thank you for your reply.

Not sure if you are talking about only UE5, but in UE4 it worked as expected without any problems. In fact, in UE5 you can still see the ‘squary’ lightmaps over the Static Meshes inside the blueprint (indicating they are ‘static’). In addition, is quite strange that it (the blueprint and the meshes inside) disappears when you build the lighting, until you reopen the map.

PS: Your advice (thank you anyway) would only solve the GI information, but then I would also need to use ray traced shadows to achieve accurate direct lighting. I should only use baked lighting to get the highest quality while maintaining the highest performance for heavy ArchViz interactive projects.


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I get the feeling that static lighting is getting a bit of a hard time, at the moment… ( due to Lumen )

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I think so too… as if Lumen could be a super affordable method for all “games” and/or hardwares.

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