Hi there, just wondering if someone got the same problem, I have just started a rendering with multiple light and some glass wall in my project. after rendering I have some strange light refractions on my glass wall (see pics), its like some sharp shiny shape, I understand that its the reflection of the neon light that I use but is it possible to blur that thing because it looks really weird and I don’t want to do that in post prod, so if someone got a clue, thanks in advance ! best regards !
Hey Guillaume,
Thanks for posting in the community.
I'm seeing a similar reflection on my end, let me see if this is intended or is something that needs to be fixed for a later version, either way, it seems to only be on the Neon light.
For this particular setup, I'd recommend switching to area lights for softer reflections on those glass walls. Cheers
Hi ! thanks for your help Sky, I'll give it a try with area lights ! Cheers !