According to this post and some mentions in the docs - ‘AnimTrails are sheets of polygons driven by particles, which are emitted from the Sockets (or bones) of a Skeletal Mesh.’ - animTrails are meant to be working with skeletal meshes that have sockets only.
Now I tried adding an animTrail to the side scroller project’s character BP, worked fine, and to the twin stick shooter project’s pawn BP, which did not work at all. For the pawn I created two sockets, parented the particle system to the spaceship and made sure my two sockets were assigned in the BP nodes that were meant to be firing up the system. Nothing worked, which was maybe expected as it’s a pawn and has no skeleton.
In another project I did manage to get an animTrail working on a simple pawn however which is confusing. A difference there is that I’m using physics on the mesh that the particlesystem is parented to. In this physics pawn there are a few things that don’t work as expected, like you can’t stop the animTrail from emitting without switching the entire trail off (so no nice snipping it off and letting it fade - it just disappears, the whole thing).
It seems like this is half working for non-character BP classes. Or maybe quarter working.
Is this getting looked at? Are there ways to get this to work in a normal pawn BP with all features functional, or at least a proper stop/start functionality?
This would be great to work elsewhere, it’s such a useful function.