For my dissertation I am creating an IK script in C++. I thought the best way to do this would be replacing the ControlRig used in “ABP_Manny” in the 3rd person template with my custom script.
To do this I have created a new C++ class based on AnimGraphNode_ControlRig.h however it won’t compile. UE5 says that “AnimGraphNode_CustomProperty.h” cannot be found. When I change the include to a hardcoded file path it works ok, but that just seems to kick the can down the road with other include errors until I get to a .generated file that I cannot find in order to get the absolute file path from. I am also painfully aware of how unsustainable using absolute file paths is.
I was wondering if anyone has a fix to my include issue and/or if there is a better way a writing a script for IK to be used for an Actor in UE5. I am aware that in reality you might as well just use blueprints but this is not an option for my dissertation as it must be done in C++.