Animation shrink problem/Texturing question

So iv been working on this Minotaur for a month Iv been mostly using blender to do so and iv slowly been making progress but last 2 weeks iv had a few problems that i cant find any solutions for.

  • First problem is i want to texture him to have Fur but i want his Abs so be just skin. When i use Mark seam to do this and make them just different textures its cut off instantly and looks ■■■■■■, what are some methods to blend textures or whats the best way to go about this in blender UV mapping? or should i just use a 3rd party texturing program to get the look i need?

  • Second problem is Importing it from blender to Mixamo With my custom skeleton then giving it animations and importing them to UE4 But my mesh in the animation is always shrunk like 15x smaller then it should be and the animation is Rotated incorrectly, but in blender all rotations are 0,0,0 and its centered on the origin. Also when exporting i make sure the Forward and Up directions are correct.

My blender file is too big to upload so Iv put a few pictures so give a better idea but if you need anymore to help figure this out just ask.