Animation overwrite unintentional

Hi there,

I think I may have fallen foul of a nasty animation bug in the engine.

I created a new animation from current pose (so single frame animation) called below “Original”. I then proceeded to make adjustments to make 2 further animations.

To produce these 2 further animations, I duplicated Original for CopyA. This was supposed to be my additive pose for Original, and then once I was done, duplicated CopyA for Copy B. Again Copy B is going to be another additive.

Once I finished CopyB and saved, I looked back at both Copy A and Original, and they were both identical to the changes I made in CopyB.

I think that through the process of duplication there might be some sort of left over data trailing through that meant when I saved CopyB, it saved onto CopyA and Original as well.

This seems like a fairly serious bug, and I know I’ve just lost about an hour of development time at least!

Can someone look into this to check I’m not going crazy, then add it as a bug report


Update: I just deleted asset B and now both asset A and C are the pose that B should have been, even though it doesn’t exist anymore… something is incredibly wrong here, but I’m not sure what


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