Hi. I have a next issue. I was created a custom metadata class:
enum class ESkillAnimationType : uint8
Default = 0,
class UAnimMetaDataSkillCastAnimation : public UAnimMetaData
ESkillAnimationType Value;
Then I have selected it in the animation montage section metadata.
After editor was restarted metadata was missed
Thanks. I think that reason is in serialization of the FCompositeSection which not an UObject.
Hey v.s.-
I was able to reproduce the issue with the meta data not being saved after restarting the editor and have entered a bug report (UE-29228) for further investigation. I did notice that if you set the meta data in the Anim Asset Details panel, this setting does remain after a restart. I am not familiar with setting up an AnimMontage but this may allow you to set the meta data without having to set it again when restarting the editor.