Animation Montage not playing

I’m new UE4 so bare with me. I’m using the FPS template and replaced the gun with a custom mesh of my own choosing. I’ve setup my new mesh to use an Animation Blueprint I created with nothing in it and then attempt to call

	if(FireAnimation != nullptr)
		// Get the animation object for the arms mesh
		UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = FP_Gun->GetAnimInstance();
		if(AnimInstance != nullptr)
			AnimInstance->Montage_Play(FireAnimation, 1.f);

After re-assigning the FireAnimation in the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint it passes all the checks and calls Montage_Play correctly. The problem is I’m not actually seeing the animation being played and I have no idea why. I have not setup a StateMachine in the blueprint because I’m more interested in just firing off animation via the code.

Literally just figured this out after posting, it looks like you need to add a slot to the blueprint to be played.