I created this animation in Modo and tested it in Unity5 and UE4. In Unity5 it looks exactly like in Modo. In UE4 it does not. Maybe I forgot to click a checkbox. Can someone please help me? I used this same rig in an older version of UE4 (forgot which one, it was a while ago) and I didn’t have this problem.
I’ve attached the .fbx that I used and the original .lxo file.
Anyone, please help. I tried bringing the above .fbx in max and exporting the animation from there. I know every 3d applicatio writes different information in the .fbx file (at least a small part of the .fbx) so I thought I’d give that a try. This particular .fbx looks ok in max, although the animation was created in Modo, but when I try to bring it back in UE4 it looks really bad. So the path Modo->Max->UE4 is very bad.
I would really like to continue using Modo. Has anyone who tried using Modo animations in UE4, experienced any issues?
I tried Modo 801 and 902. Both look bad in UE4.
I am now convinced this is a bug (since it works just fine in Unity), but I don’t know how to move the post to the bugs section.
Edit: found out how to change sections: under your post there is “edit | delete | more”. Click “more” and then “move to space”
I took your fbx and imported it into Maya and UE4. In Maya, everything appeared correct except it was scaled way to large for UE4. In UE4, upon importing, this error showed:
I know only the right hand animates, that’s ok and I was aware of the scale being very high. I don’t think that’s an issue for UE4 since I used this exact same model and rig (with a different animation) in an older version of UE4.
Also I can see in your image that it does not animate properly because that’s a frame that does not exist in the original animation. You are having the same issue I am having, the pointy finger for example never bends and in the .fbx, it does.
To clarify, I tested in Maya in UE4.10 importing the same FBX file that you have posted. In my tests, both animations end, palm up (note the Z up indicator in my UE4 vs your UE4 image.)
It looks like Modo has Y as the up axis. However, this is designed to be converted by UE4 upon import and, in my example it is: See how palm is up towards Z in my import and yours is facing Y in your import. Just to reiterate, I’m using the same fbx you’ve posted and not exporting a new one from Maya.
A final note: I did import the fbx with different settings and the animation was messed up, probably like what you are seeing.
But even in the screenshots you just posted, I can see that the poses are different. Look at the way the index finger is bent and the space between the 2 middle fingers. They are different… And I am sure it’s not because of the view angle
If the up axis would have been the issue then we would have seen a 90 degrees difference, but it’s not the case.
I was focusing on the overall animation more than the fingers themselves, so I missed that detail. After reviewing some other Modo related posts, I found a couple that may relate to your problem, especially since I was getting the “no smoothing groups found” error when importing your fbx. Please try the steps in the following posts and see if this does not fix the problem:
Hi , I really apreciate you looking into this, but no my problem and the ones in the 2 posts are not related.
Even if the import rotation would be wrong (different up axis), it wouldn’t have mattered that much to me, I would just rotate the entire skinned mesh in scene. The problem is the individual bone rotations from Modo to UE4 do not match. It doesn’t matter how I rotate the skinned mesh in UE4 there are bones that never rotate (in the animation) and in Modo, they do.
I don’t care if the hand has smoothing groops or not :), my problem is the animation.
In your test, cand you please tell me if you see this? Can you see that the animations are different (Maya or Modo and UE4)? I can see the difference in the screenshots you posted I just want to make sure that you know what I’m talking about
It is difficult for me to see a difference due to the angle of the images being different and because I do not have a “correct” version (and we do not have a copy of modo here.)
They look the same in Maya and UE4.The only difference I see* is the index finger does not bend, or that bones/joints on that one finger does not bend. Is that it, or am I missing other animations?
Since your FBX exporter is the 2013 version, this is most likely the culprit so I am closing this as resolved. If there is a 2014 version available for Modo, I suggest trying that and if you are still experiencing issues, respond to this thread and we will pick it up from there.