Hi i have a some trobles with a animation sync wia clien and server, need some help, i take animation from a animationDB.
Input → Crouch → RPC Server
Srv → Crouch
That’s all you need.
(post deleted by author)
Any way same result, i think need more then replicate crouch may be need to replicate animation DB, state is replicated only animtaion dose not.
Your Set Crouch
function is calling CMC Crouch/UnCrouch. These functions already handle replication and use an internal bool. Character Movement -> Is Crouching
Client input → Crouch… is all that’s needed here.
this is all done, i did it, but i think animation from DB dosent replicate, maybe i have to do some think… maybe need to do some think with ABP_SandboxCharacter? looks like server cant take and replicate animation, if server crouch client can see animatioin but if client send to server like a client crouch this is work without animation.
Animations themselves do not replicate. Animation should be data driven.
In your animgraph you should have a crouching state. Use that to control logic flow in the state machine.