Animation Editor Crashing on Open


I made an Animation and imported it successfully into Unreal, however, when I try to access the Animation Editor through my Anim Instance BP, the editor crashes during the Initialization portion of the Anim Instance Proxy, where I try to gain access to my capsule component via my pawn.

PlayerCapsuleComponent = dynamic_cast<UPlayerCapsuleComponent*>(PlayerSkeletalMesh->GetOwner()->GetRootComponent());

I can play the game fine without any crashes but as soon as I try to open an Animation Sequence or the Animation Editor, it crashes.

I am unsure if the Animation will play if I try to play it during runtime as I have not tried. I’d like to first be able to at least preview the Animation. So, I guess my question is do pawns not exist in Animation previews or are there things I should avoid accessing through the proxy that would prevent me from playing Animations during runtime?

P.S. I can play the Animation just fine in a Default TPP Project.

So, I have tried not accessing my pawn through the skeletal mesh in the proxy and it seems to have solved the crash.

I think the problem is that I’m using my Main Anim Instance BP as my Post Process Animation BP as well. Using the Main Anim Instance for Animations and moving all my code to a separate Anim Instance for post processing should do the trick, hopefully.

EDIT: Confirmed working.