I made an Animation and imported it successfully into Unreal, however, when I try to access the Animation Editor through my Anim Instance BP, the editor crashes during the Initialization portion of the Anim Instance Proxy, where I try to gain access to my capsule component via my pawn.
PlayerCapsuleComponent = dynamic_cast<UPlayerCapsuleComponent*>(PlayerSkeletalMesh->GetOwner()->GetRootComponent());
I can play the game fine without any crashes but as soon as I try to open an Animation Sequence or the Animation Editor, it crashes.
I am unsure if the Animation will play if I try to play it during runtime as I have not tried. I’d like to first be able to at least preview the Animation. So, I guess my question is do pawns not exist in Animation previews or are there things I should avoid accessing through the proxy that would prevent me from playing Animations during runtime?
P.S. I can play the Animation just fine in a Default TPP Project.