I’m hoping V2 will be out before the end of the year! However, we have a couple things going on here that might get in the way of that, but that’s still the current plan of record!
It sure hasn’t. Sorry about that. You can actually just use the normal paint skin weights tool though as well.
My mind is always blown when I meet someone that uses color ramps
What does your FBX look like? Import Mocap takes in an FBX file that has animation on the joint hierarchy, which should be of the same name. It’s not really a retargeter. You’d need to use HumanIK for something like that.
If you FBX is marker cloud data, it definitely won’t work. Do you have an FBX file I could look at?
Make sure to open the JointMover.mb file and simply resave. That is usually the common fix for this crash. The joint mover file was created in a previous version of maya, and for some reason, 2015+ seem to really hate it.
Looks like that line is the line that actually exports the file. Are you in a student version of Maya? The prompt flag on that line is set to false, which may be erroring out if using a student maya version.
If you turn on the stack trace in the script editor, what is the full error?
Yeah, unfortunately, the maya crash reports are super useless. No clue if this is related to the tool, or just something odd in Maya. Anything more specific to go on? Any errors that pop up prior?
Do you have another version of Maya you could test on to see if it’s simply a 2016 issue?
Yeah, for some reason, and I honestly have no idea, the Mac version download comes with the windows version…
I just check files into one place, but the Mac version must be built from a different depot or something. No clue.
Apologies for that part not being super clear. Basically, if you create a weapons folder in your project folder location (MayaTools/General/Art/Projects/YourProj/Weapons) and add your weapon files there, then reference those files into your animation file, you should then get the weapon to appear in the list.
The weapon workflow is actually a little complicated, but here is how we handle it at work. First, we usually have a bone in the rig as a child of the right hand called weapon. This bone gets the root of the weapon skeleton constrained to it. You can then animate this weapon bone, which is part of the character, to determine placement, or animate an equip, etc. Then you just export the character data. The only time you actually need to export weapon animation is if the weapon has parts that animate, like a slide, or trigger, or magazine.
Ah ok, so that kinda answers my first response about the student version. If you open that file, browse to that line (just search for: cmds.file(fileName, es = True, force = True, prompt = False, type = “FBX export”))
and change prompt = False, to prompt = True, and see if that solves it.
Hi . Hoping you can point me in the direction of a fix.
My character was created back in 4.7. After recovering some disk space by deleting 4.7 and breaking my ART rig it became clear that I should install ART in my project directory. Did that, got ART working inside Maya again, and updated Epic Games | Settings | Toolpath to my new MayaTools path.
The first time I open an ART scene, I get a dialog complaining about Reference file not found for the AnimRigs and ExportFiles. I check ‘Make path changes permanent’ and am never bothered about the AnimRig again when opening the scene at a later time. However the changes to the ExportFiles path are never stored and I get to locate this file everytime I open the scene.
Opening the scene.mb file in notepad it is clear that the updated path to ExportFiles has replaced the old path. So maybe this reference to ExportFiles is from inside AnimRigs.
So two questions. How to fix my existing scenes? And how to update my Epic Character so that when I place it into a new scene the references will be correct? Editing the existing character Export File or Rig File from within ART scares me because I really don’t want build the control rig again, risking changes and the time blackhole that seems to result when I touch the rig.
The main reason I personally prefer color ramps is the option to use completely different colors for 100% and 0% weights. On a grayscale it’s very hard to discern whether a joint has very little weighting or no waiting at all. But yeah, since we can use the default Maya skin painting tools I don’t mind all that much that this feature is missing.
Sorry, I’ve been away at a new job and haven’t been looking in.
You can download the entire zip from here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine
Once you have requested access to that page from here: https:///ue4-on-github
It’ll take a day or two depending on when you request it, but then you can go to the github link and just download the zip and find the ArtToolsOSX folder. Or just download the Dropbox link
I guess with the way I tend to paint weights, I never have values where I don’t want them. I tend to flood the entire mesh to the pelvis, then work up the spine, and out the arms, then down the legs. I never let Maya control where weights go, because it is usually pretty bad with that! I also only use add, and very rarely smooth. Only if the things I want to smooth between are the only unlocked influences I’m old fashioned I guess.
So for both problems, all you need to do is open the rig file (use the edit character menu, and then choose to edit the rig file) and replace the reference of the export file. Don’t worry, you won’t have to rebuild or do anything! Just simply replace reference and then save!