Same, but that doesn’t stop it happening, because Maya’s weight painting tools are broken. What you described is the standard Maya weighting workflow fyi Edit: Mostly when doing some complex rigs things just stop working right and suddenly you have broken weights, has happened but mostly in film.
Speaking of being broken, is there any chance this space switching system will work better while actually animating in v2? ATM it just breaks the moment you try to change any of the spaces mid animating. Makes this two handed weapon a hassle when he lets go with one hand or transfers to the other.
The layer approach to painting your weights allows for much better organization and you will not run into weird bugs like in the original tools ( i had a lot of trouble before )
Wasn’t aware it was broken. Animators here aren’t having any issues. What is the problem? There was a bug a few months back where it wouldn’t switch back to default space properly, but that’s been fixed. Is that your issue?
Ah I replied to your PM before checking the thread. It had the same problem switching to any space from the custom one I had made. More info in PM.
I have ngskintools but I can’t adjust to the workflow, once you have Maya’s workflow sussed out there just aren’t any issues that warrant changing how you do it. As said, you put all the weighting on a single joint, and lock every joint except the one with the weighting, and as you work only ever have one joint unlocked (you can paint a locked joint, the lock just means you can’t affect that one when painting another). Doing this you rarely get bugs.
However I keep ngskintools to use it’s superior weight mirroring since Maya has a lot of issues mirroring across X for some reason, leaving incorrect weighting going across. Primitive tools really.
I’ve been using the Anim & Rigging Toolkit for a while now and it’s fantastic, such a time saver, many thanks for making it available.
I’d like to ask a very general question about jiggle bones. Having gone through all the forum posts and videos I could find, I can’t seem to get the basic process right. This is how I understand it works:
create jiggle bones
while skinning the character, make sure all jiggle bones have influences painted on
once the rig is built, check that the physics settings in the animRig are switched on (dynamics is locked and set to 0)
export skeleton rig to Unreal
export animations to Unreal
here are my questions:
In Unreal, if I import my skeleton and then import an animation for it, is the jiggle bone supposed to jiggle in real-time while playing?
Or is it just jiggling in Maya and once I export my animation it gets baked into the animation?
If you want real-time jiggling you’ll have to set that up in Unreal manually. The jiggle joints in ART are only jiggling in Maya and can be baked into the animation as you already noted.
In that case I guess I would add a leaf joint and then get it to jiggle in Unreal?
Would you know of any documentation explaining how to set up real-time jiggling manually?
I never set it up myself and I don’t know of any documentation unfortunately. This video tutorial might be worth a look however:
Also in the new series on Unreal’s Channel “Working with Skeleton Assets” the final video, video 5 gave useful knowledge…
It’s an awesome blueprint that will allow you to transform-modify a bone using blueprints, maybe you can modify the technique to get your desired results.
Heya! Effrye is correct about the jiggle bones in ART. They are just there for baked animation (which is great for cinematics).
For real-time, you can set it up in the animation blueprint using skeletal controls, such as the spring controller. There will be a new type of skeletal control in 4.10 likely that’s being developed right now called anim dynamics, that’s even more awesome than the spring control.
You could also set it up on the physics asset, but this is more costly. If collision isn’t a big issue, definitely opt for a skeletal control option!
Having same issue. Updated to the last engine version and also have downloaded and add all the latest files from the OP post. Still got no idle poses, only hand poses, searched through entire UE folder. Please provide idle poses, and also other than them if they are existing, except of hand poses.
My thanks.
Sorry if this already has been asked but it’s hard to find it through 26 pages and many more question around answer hub.
I have a character that has been rigged by myself without using the ART, but the joit hierarchy is the same as the UE4’s rig (ie the one ART creates). I’d like to use ART now with that character that i have as an .fbx / maya binary scene.
Is there any way to import that character into ART (and hopefully some way to create that amazing and complete control rig ART creates when using its rig creator) to take advantage of all of its awesome tools for animation?
As far as I’m aware, there is no way to directly import/convert it to ART. What you could do however, is this:
In a new Maya scene with only the mesh of your character, create a new ART rig.
During joint placement, reference your skinned mesh and snap the ART joints to the same position as your previous joints.
During skin painting, select the referenced character mesh, shift-select the other mesh and use Skin > Copy Skin Weights. The default settings should work.