Thanks to all of you folks for all for your patience!
Apologies, I tend to keep pretty busy and don’t always get a chance to visit the forums every day.
You are correct in your fix, though it’s odd that was an issue. Was this 4.8?
Looks like it’s used when creating the frames (
def createOptionsModeUI(self):
#create a new formLayout, parent it to the scrollLayout, and make it invisible
self.widgets"optionsMode_FrameLayout"] = cmds.frameLayout(parent = self.widgets"skelBuilder_columnLayout"], cll = True, cl = True, label='Add Rig Modules', borderStyle='in', w = 345, marginWidth = 10, bgc = .27, .5, .65])
self.widgets"optionsModeFormLayout"] = cmds.formLayout(w = 345, h = 2000, vis = True, parent = self.widgets"optionsMode_FrameLayout"])
#create buttons for types of rig modules
#first create the layout for these modules
self.widgets"rigModulesFrame"] = cmds.frameLayout(parent = self.widgets"optionsModeFormLayout"], cll = False, **bs = "etchedIn",** lv = False, w = 320, h = 90, mh = 5)
EDIT: btw, I counted 3 counts of those in
Keep up the awesome work, thanks for putting out all these awesome updates/fixes. Really looking forward to v2 + the facial rigging toolkit!
first thanks I know you guys are busy and its good show you are making something fantastic and I appreciate .
yes it was 4.8 and after some work I saw some odd things like crashing maya when I try build control rig and it doesn’t matter how much I try maya crash for some models .
sorry I have another question is there any time line for releasing V2 ?
thanks .
, is there a way to use color ramp when painting skin weights?
All I could find on it was this Color Ramp option in ART Tool? - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums
But it’s been a while since that post, so has this been added yet?
Thank you
I’m unable to find the Mac version of ART in Unreal 4.8.3. Any idea why? or an I looking in the wrong place. I checked User/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.8/Engine/Extras and the tool is not there.
Hey, 4.9’s out! Is that ART 2.0 in it, or are we still weighting? Er. Waiting.
(My fingers typoed, but it’s funny enough I’m leaving it.)
Hey, I’m already back with more questions!
Now that the Unreal Engine is free, what exactly are the terms of use for the toolkit? Can it be used for commercial projects that are not realized using the unreal engine? As much as I would love using UE4 for everything, some of the projects I’m working on are done with Unity. Does the default UE4 license apply if I use ART for these projects?
You can use ART for non-UE4 projects, but the UE4 EULA terms still apply. That’s because, under the EULA, a Product is defined as “any product developed under this Agreement that is made using the Licensed Technology or that combines the Licensed Technology with any other software or content, regardless of how much or little of the Licensed Technology is used” (emphasis added).
So it’s fine to do, but you have to comply with the rest of the terms of the EULA and a royalty would be owed.
Got it, I figured that might be the case. Too bad, but very understandable. Thanks for clearing that up!
I’m trying to get the tools for Mac to work (they don’t load automatically, so I’m running them through the script editor) and get the following error:
Error: IndexError: file <maya console> line 9: string index out of range
import maya.cmds as cmds
import os
import sys
from functools import partial
import maya.mel as mel
MAYA_SEP = ‘/’
def correctSysPath():
for i, path in enumerate(sys.path):
if path-1] in (MAYA_SEP, os.sep, os.altsep):
sys.path* = sys.path*:-1]
Line 9 is the if path-1]… line
Thank you.
I was having the same problem here, and it´s correct now.
One important thing is do not alter the .py file using notepad, orelse it will screw the formated text.
Hi everyone.
I’m trying to do some retarget animation with the Animation-and-Rigging-Tool but didn’t succeed. I did any ways I know but doesn’t work. Even if I put the original FBX animation from Motive/Optitrack on the skeleton I builded in the Tool, what gives to me the same joints structure, it don’t work. I don’t know if I made mysefl clear but basically the import motion using a mocap fbx file doesn’t work.
What I’m doing wrong?
Thanks a lot e great great tool.
i have a problem the script crash my maya, 2015, 64x version when i try to publish my character.
I am getting the same “The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access” crash as VIVANR3D above.
I am using Maya 2016 and the crash doesn’t seem to come from doing anything specific. Moving my skeleton with controls, rotating, lots of other things have caused it.
I am opening Maya as administrator but it doesn’t help. line 1529
i have this error in maya 2014 when i try to export a fbx, because the plugin dont work for me in maya 2015
Hey ! Great tool kit. Thanks for sharing it.
Does anyone know how the weapon workflow is supposed to go? When you export animation it says “weapon” but I don’t know how to get my weapon in the list. Right now I’m just socket snapping it into place in editor, which works too. Just wondering what the normal method is.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the socket method is kinda messed up for me. b/c the joint is the socket base, and I’ve just been making a space for the weapon, I don’t get good or consistent results with sockets.
Edit (again) Ok got consistent socket results by being methodical. But hoping there’s an easier way.
Also if anyone gets the bug where the window “Edit Character” won’t resize and is too short to get to the bottom buttons. The python fix is pretty easy
line 411: I make the height 600
window = cmds.window(“artEditCharacterUI”, w = 300, h = 600, title = “Edit Character”, mxb = False, mnb = False, sizeable = True)
Hey ,
V2 progress looks very promising!
By the way, kind of unrelated question: any chance you’re going to release the facial rigging toolset you developed for GOW3 for the community?
Has been 4 years but still it looks a very good solution for rigging multiple characters without building/scripting tons of stuff.
Early Christmas present for everyone
Ps: I’m so jealous about that sweet UI
i have maya 2014 an 2015 student version