Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

hi , The tool is amazing and i can save a lot of work, my question is if are they any way to create only the arms? (for the player en FPS). I see the “Leg style” options but is shader.

Hey there. Quick question. How does one re-size the character to fit the needs of the project. Example: The character by default is about 512 Units tall (roughly). I need to make my character 128 units. How would I go about doing that?

Is there a way to size the controls post rig creation? For example, the IK handle for the arm is buried in the wrist and only visible when I go into Wireframe or Ghost. When it’s that small I have to grab the components and size it that way so i can grab it without Wireframe.
If this doesn’t exist it would be a wonderful feature.

Before Control Rig Build

After Control Rig Build

Hey guys, I read all the comments in the forum and see there are a couple of issues, maybe I can help with.

  1. It seems if I have an existing model in a scene and start selecting the skeleton configuration, I will get a hard crash. If I load in the model after I create the Skeleton, everything is smooth afterwards.

  2. If i open an existing maya 2014 scene from explorer, it opens up, then the epic games plugin starts, and then it automatically opens a new scene(closing out the file I wanted). I can then go and open the scene up from the file menu without problem. I verified that when the Epic Games plug-in is causing the close out and re-opening of the scene by disabling it. Its like Maya is opening too fast… very strange.

  3. If you try to rig a character scene that is in Y-axis up, the camera gets all messed up from that point forward. The workaround was to ensure the scene was set to Z-axis up before opening the Rigger.

This was all done with a new PC, new Maya 2014 install, & 4.2 Engine install scripts

A in-depth Custom Mesh Rig Tutorial

Hey Guys,

This is a great toolkit with a very advanced rigging system. Nice Work. Here is a video I did today to show the process of Importing a Custom Mesh with the toolkit.

I hope it helps others. Also there are chapters to skip ahead.

Hi there mattardiff…
Here is a video that I made today. If you check out the last chapter, it will show you how to do this safely :slight_smile: Hope it helps.

Cool, that’s totally reasonable. We picked up some PCs in the meantime. Thanks for the fantastic tool!

Currently, there is not, but eventually it will be possible.
For FPS right now, we just create the whole character skeleton, and then if you really want, in your fbx you import to engine, you can cull the joints there. It may not really be necessary though as the other bones won’t have any animation, so they shouldn’t be a performance hit to have them there!

You can just scale down the root_mover control at the base of the joint mover rig during the skeleton placement phase!

Indeed! Couple of ways to do this. First, using the CV scaler tool in the animation UI. This is probably the least optimal way as it does not stay with the rig and is per file.
For me, I usually just write a quick post script to make any modifications. You can then load this in to the post script slot under the advanced section when publishing your character. These can be really simple ones, like scaling controls, and I’ve done some pretty lengthy ones where I create whole new rigs for parts.

Here is what the code usually looks like though for scaling controls in the post script:“[0:32]”)
cmds.scale(1.7, 1.7, 0, r = True)

1.) I’ll look into this or have QA do some tests.
2.) Yeah… I totally need to address that…
3.) The other workaround is to hit the home icon on the viewcube and it will reset all of the cameras! (note, you need to enable the viewcube in your settings)

Enjoying the tool, thanks for sharing your work.

A couple of questions:

We updated our project with Unreal 4.2.1, does that include an up to date A.R.T.?
If so, I wonder why I have no IDLE category for the Pose Editor?
I also still receive the “Problems occurred with dependency graph setup.” error when attempting to bind a custom mesh to a skeleton created with the tool.

Using the MEL script that SwitchNZ provided in the Answer Hub fixes it though.

That kind of makes me think that we do not have the latest script fixes for the tool although I am sure I updated from your Dropbox location.

Thanks for any help.

Face rig Toolkit

Wow, that sounds like a great tool. I’m excited to see it.

I receive a maya lockup when I hit symmetry mode during mover placement.

Error: RuntimeError: file C:/unreal/Unreal Engine/4.2/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 11381: setAttr: No object matches name: calf_twist_01_mover_r.overrideColor

Basically, I have a calf twist joint on the left side and not on the right side. My character is a cyborg and the left leg is flesh and the right leg is metal which is my scenario.



That’s perfect, thanks.

haha, edge case ftw! This stuff is so hard to test by yourself :frowning:
I think a quick workaround would be to go to the outliner tab, and under the legs, right click on the left leg twist bones and choose, lock selected. This will prevent symmetry mode from performing on those bones and their would-be mirrors. I just gave it a quick test and that does in fact work. Sorry about that, I’ll get it properly fixed up hopefully sometime soon!

Quick question regarding limbs. Is there any way to include multiple pairs of arms/legs? If not, will it possibly be implemented sometime in the future?

Feature Request Poll/List

It would be great to develop a list of feature requests that might consider moving forward.
There are so many feature requests scattered throughout this thread and it’s a little daunting to consider gathering it all together.
At least we can develop the initial list and build from there. , if you’re cool with it then the community can come together and organize a list. If not, just say so.
I can set up a Google Doc or just gather a list so everyone can add a feature and if need be, provide a description and why it’s important.
Of the Google Doc is not the way to go then I’ll set up an email where everyone can send their requests, I can throw it into an excel doc, organize and give a PDF as well as post it here.

How does this sound?

Sounds good, . It might only be necessary to start a new thread and constantly update the first post with the feature requests. That way anybody and everybody has the opportunity to chime in. Some kind of Poll can be implemented so that it’s easy to see which are the most popular feature requests.

This thread is only 6 pages long so I don’t think it’s that daunting to pick out any feature requests, but I really haven’t had a good look yet.

I have also been thinking that it’s important to pull together and develop a solid and inclusive sub-community for this tool. Use such a group to share experiences, procedures and get other users up to speed. no doubt has his hands full with both in-house projects and developing the tool by himself. While we must wait for him to answer our questions during these initial early days, I think that eventually there needs to be enough skilled users to help out.

My small indie team only has me as for character/animation development as we start up, and it’s my job to master this tool. I would be happy to get involved in any way.

I figured it might get daunting moving forward as the pages grow.